Bag-In-Box for Laundry Detergents

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What is Bag-in-Box (BIB) Packaging?
Bag-in-box packaging consists of a plastic bag, typically made of multiple layers of film, within a corrugated box. The plastic bag holds the product, while the corrugated box serves as a protective shell. Product is dispersed via a spout or fitment.
We’ll discuss the benefits of BIB as it pertains to laundry detergent packaging. Read on to learn more:
Benefits of Bag-in-Box for Laundry Detergent Packaging
Perhaps the biggest benefit associated with BIB packaging is the ease of use. When it comes to dispersing laundry detergent, it’s simple to pour the right quantity of detergent for the specific load of laundry that you’re doing either directly into the washing machine or into a measuring cup that you then disperse into the washing machine without spills or splashing.
This is largely thanks to the spout or fitment that helps to precisely dispense the product from the packaging.

Other BIB Packaging Benefits
- Safety: The protective nature of BIB packaging makes it an ideal format for laundry detergent packaging. The bag part of the package is a reinforced structure that’s designed to prevent leaks and ensure product integrity. The outer corrugated box enhances product protection by providing a shell.
- Sustainability: We’ll get into more of this in the next section, but BIB packaging is recyclable.
- Branding potential: A more brand-centric benefit of BIB packaging is the opportunity for companies to develop unique branding and marketing on the packaging. Rather than applying labels to a rigid plastic bottle, companies can brand all four sides of the box to help their products stand out on the store shelf and create competitive advantages.
Environmental Impact
As we alluded to in the above section, one of the biggest benefits of the bag-in-box packaging format is how eco-friendly it is. Consider the following:
- The format reduces plastic usage by about 70 percent compared to rigid bottle formats.
- It helps conserve transportation costs and maximizes storage space. Thanks to its rectangular form, it’s estimated up to 65 percent more bag-in-box products can be packed and shipped in a truck compared to other types of packaging. This helps maximize truckloads and can help firms meet sustainability goals.
- It’s recyclable: Both the box and bag portions of the bag-in-box packaging format can be recycled.
Cost Effectiveness
As we noted in the above section, one of the major benefits of BIB packaging is cost-effectiveness – especially when it comes to transportation costs. The BIB format allows brands to ship up to 65 percent more products on trucks compared to other packaging types, maximizing cost and minimizing carbon footprint.

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