Bag-In-Box Solution for Chemicals

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Pillow Liner

Key to Chemical Packaging
The key to safely storing and shipping chemicals is to find the right packaging. The ideal solution involves a bag-and-box design. Bag-in-box refers to a corrugated container with a flexible liner. The bag-and-box solution for chemicals houses a design allowing you to evacuate more of the solvent then you would get from a rigid container alone.
What is Bag-in-Box Packaging?
Bag-in-box packaging is exactly what it sounds like. It’s a flexible bag that contains a liquid product that’s packaged inside a corrugated box. The box allows for easy and safe transportation and provides rigidity and durability whether it’s on the store shelf, in the garage, or in the warehouse.
The most popular example of bag-in-box packaging might be boxed wine. The flexible bag typically has some sort of fitment or spout that can be accessed by the end user to distribute the liquid product inside of it. However, over time, more than just food and beverage products are packaged in the bag-in-box format. It’s been increasingly utilized for industrial products and chemicals as well, from motor oil to detergents.

Is Bag-in-Box Packaging Safe for Chemicals?
Bag-in-box packaging is absolutely safe for chemicals. The box provides a shell around the bag portion of the packaging, which helps enhance the overall durability and avoid leaks or ruptures in the flexible packaging. It’s also important to use the right type of film and fitment when running bag-in-box packaging.
Even with the box portion of the packaging acting as the “shell,” you still don’t want to risk any leaks or ruptures. Leaks tend to happen most often in the space where the film and the fitment or spout meet.
How is Bag-in-Box Used for Chemicals?
As we noted in the introduction, bag-in-box packaging has evolved from once being most commonly used to package beverages like alcohol, juice, and dairy products to chemicals such as motor oil and detergent. And it’s become increasingly popular for chemicals for the same reasons it became popular in the first place for food and beverage products.
For instance, this packaging format tends to be lighter and more convenient to transport and store, the former which can help save on transportation and shipping costs. Secondly, the spout and fitment can help preserve the product and avoid spoilage or contamination. And three, bag-in-box packaging allows for easy distribution, making this a user-friendly packaging format.
An additional bonus is the space that’s available on the box part of the packaging, which allows brands to further market themselves to end users.

Find Your Solution for Chemical Packaging Today!
If you have a specialized chemical packaging need that requires a Mindful Solution, contact us to speak with one of our packaging experts.

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Our expert engineers can guide any client within any industry with a mindful solution to meet their packaging and sustainability needs, from innovative research and development to customizable designs.
With over 50 years of experience, our team of engineers collaborates with each customer to design a new packaging solution from liner selection to full systems integration to modifying existing products.