Bag-In-Box Solution
for Motor Oil

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Pillow Liner

Motor Oil Packaging
The key to safely storing motor oil is to find the right packaging. The ideal solution involves a bag-and-box design. Bag-in-box refers to a corrugated container with a flexible liner. The bag-and-box solution for motor oil houses a design allowing you to evacuate more of the oil then you would get from a rigid container alone.

What Containers are Safe for Motor Oil?
There are three standard storage options:
1. Polyethylene Containers
Polyethylene is a flexible form of thermoplastic that can last years, especially when equipped with a proper liner. Unlike other storage options, you can see the line of the oil from the outside of the container, so you know when you are close to the top. Plastic also makes labeling easier.
2. Stainless Steel Containers
Stainless steel containers are a secure option. Because it is stainless steel, the metal won’t rust or rot. The durability of the steel makes the container less likely to sustain damage that might lead to a leak.
3. Tote Containers
Tote containers would be easy to carry, such as a pail or a small drum. Some come with a steel grate that is easy to grip.
You can make any of these choices stronger and safer by using a bag-in-a-box solution. The bag is a flexible liner designed to fit the specific container shape and size. The box is the container. This winning combination allows you peace of mind when you store motor oil. CDF Corporation offers drum and pail semi-rigid solutions that will give you that extra security you need to feel safe.
Flexible packaging adds another layer of protection for your motor oil. The bag provides a superior seam strength to help hold the oil and prevent leakage. Flexible packaging also makes dispensing the oil easier. The liner will help protect a rigid container if you choose to use one.
Flexible packaging also is a solution for working in different dimensions and racking systems. It offers sustainability benefits over semi-rigid and rigid packaging. Dive deeper and explore an EcoBox vs Cheertainer comparison.
Benefits of Flexible Packaging
Storing Motor Oil Properly
Finding a suitable container is only part of the proper motor oil storage equation. How and where you store it matters, as well. First, make sure you put the oil in a sealed container. It should not be left open. CDF liners are heat sealing to ensure they stay closed and your stay protected.
Once you have the container sealed, the next consideration is location. You want to store motor oil in a cool, dry place. If not kept in a dry environment, moisture may get into the oil and interfere with the quality. The oil left in a hot environment will also thin out.
Finding the proper storage options is essential, and creating flexible and sustainable packaging is all we do at CDF Corporation. Our mindful packaging can reduce your environmental footprint and ultimately save you money. Find out more about CDF Corporation products today by checking out our website.

Find Your Solution
If you have a specialized need that requires a Mindful Solution, contact us to speak with one of our packaging experts.

Have a Question About this Product?
Our expert engineers can guide any client within any industry with a mindful solution to meet their packaging and sustainability needs, from innovative research and development to customizable designs.
With over 50 years of experience, our team of engineers collaborates with each customer to design a new packaging solution from liner selection to full systems integration to modifying existing products.