Facial Cleansers Packaging

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Pillow Liner


Versatile Facial Cleanser Packaging
IBC packaging has long been a go-to packaging format for storing and transporting bulk volumes of product. And as IBC liners continue to evolve, so do the applications that this packaging format can support. Facial cleansers are such a product.
What is IBC Packaging?
IBC stands for “intermediate bulk container,” which are industrial-grade containers designed for the mass handling and transportation of all types of products – from solids to pastes to liquids. IBC packaging offers several advantages to handling large quantities of product. For instance, these containers are stackable, reusable, and can easily be transported with a forklift, pallet jack, or similar pieces of equipment. And IBC packaging is increasingly used for a wider range of applications, including facial cleansers.
Benefits of IBC Liners for Facial Cleansers
Within the realm of IBC packaging, one of the most crucial elements is undoubtedly the IBC liner. Staying true to their name, these liners are meticulously crafted to take the fit inside the larger container and securely hold the product. Their design and manufacturing processes prioritize the preservation of product purity and maintaining the highest quality standards. CDF provides a range of fitments and valves tailored for different applications to assist in seamless and efficient product evacuation.
As a premier provider of IBC liners, we offer a diverse array of options to cater to your specific needs. These options include:
- Standard pillow liners: Fitting to the name, these liners are pillow-shaped when filled. Typically consisting of two or three layers of film, these liners can be top-filled, bottom-filled, or high-speed-filled.
- Form-Fit liners: As the name implies, Form-Fit liners form to the shape of the container when filled. They’re ideal for high-speed fills and a fitting application for more viscous products.
- Air-Assist® liners: Air-Assist liners are similar to Form-Fit liners, except the addition of a specialty air bladder makes product dispensing all the more easy and convenient. In fact, Air-Assist liners also maximize product evacuation – up to 99.5 percent compared to conventional liners.

Environmental Impact
When it comes to IBC containers for facial cleansers, sustainability is a key focus. IBC containers are inherently designed for reusability, and the liners play a pivotal role in this process. After the facial cleanser product has been completely dispensed from the liner, there’s an environmentally responsible option. The liner can be responsibly disposed of and replaced with a new one within the same container.
These liners are engineered to efficiently capture and store the product, promoting the quick turnaround of a container. This means that the containers can be put back into service more rapidly, minimizing the additional costs associated with having to clean, wash, or disinfect the container. This approach aligns with sustainability goals, reduces unnecessary waste, and helps optimize the overall efficiency of your packaging process.

Cost Savings
In the world of business, time equates to money, and CDF’s range of IBC liners is designed to boost productivity and generate cost savings. These liners facilitate quicker filling speeds, which translates into maximized throughput. Additionally, they allow for optimal product dispersion, further contributing to your cost-saving efforts.
Find Your Facial Cleanser Packaging Solution Today!
If you have a specialized need that requires a Mindful Solution, contact us to speak with one of our packaging experts.

Have a Question About this Product?
Our expert engineers can guide any client within any industry with a mindful solution to meet their packaging and sustainability needs, from innovative research and development to customizable designs.
With over 50 years of experience, our team of engineers collaborates with each customer to design a new packaging solution from liner selection to full systems integration to modifying existing products.