Dust Caps & Cover Sheets


PailSaver™ Trays & Cradles

Lids for Drums & Pails

UltraLiner™ Features
UltraLiner blow-molded liners are CDF’s best-performing drum liners. UltraLiner premium drum liners feature a heavy sidewall with an ultra-thin lip making these liners ideal for heavy stress operations requiring maximum strength and protection.
Benefits :

The UltraLiner for Fiber Drums is a straight-sided, blow-molded insert designed for 30 & 55-gallon fiber drums.

Molded from FDA-approved low-density polyethylene to form a smooth wall that makes it easy to insert.

A unique, paper-thin contoured lip snaps over the top bead to prevent leakage between the insert and the drum wall while providing easy drum closure.

The UltraLiner is perfect for storing all liquids, powders and pastes that can be contained in low-density polyethylene.

Speak to a Packaging Specialist
Our expert engineers can guide any client within any industry with a mindful solution to meet their packaging and sustainability needs, from innovative research and development to customizable designs.
With over 50 years of experience, our team of engineers collaborates with each customer to design a new packaging solution from liner selection to full systems integration to modifying existing products.