One Peel™
This is an excellent option if your product is dispensed once and resealing and storage are not required. The peelable design offers superior seal characteristics with the capability to be peeled off and disposed of at the processing site.
Speak to a Packaging Specialist
CDF’s thirst for innovation is supported by a creative team of knowledgeable people and cutting-edge technology, materials, and machinery. Coupled with years of manufacturing expertise, CDF has designed solutions for the most discerning customers.
One Peel™ Features

More economical to product while safely containing the product in the package.

Constructed from PET, Adhesive, White Nylon EVOH COEX for superior strength and protection.
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Our expert engineers can guide any client within any industry with a mindful solution to meet their packaging and sustainability needs, from innovative research and development to customizable designs. With over 50 years of experience, our team of engineers collaborates with each customer to design a new packaging solution from liner selection to full systems integration to modifying existing products.